Sunday 30 December 2012

Daily photo challenge - Week 52 + 2 days is complete

I can't quite believe it.

366 days have passed and I have stuck with this photo challenge.
I have produced a photo a day for a whole year!
Sure, some days behind the lens were rather poor efforts.
But other days - I even surprised myself with the end result.

I've learnt so much during this year.
I've always loved taking photos......anyone who knows me well will tell you that.
I was always a "snap shot" type photographer 
but I longed to have much more skill than that.
In this past year I think I have picked up a lot more knowledge and skill. 
I'm thinking more about composition and now I know what to do 
when a photo comes out too dark or too bright.
Sure - there are days when I still have a shocker behind the lens and
without a doubt, I've still got a lot to learn.
But I can certainly say I am proud of what I have learnt
and I'm certainly proud of what I have achieved.

I owe thanks to a number of people
but I have to say a MASSIVE thank you to one particular person.
My husband Brian has been such a HUGE support on this project.
Sure - he's rolled his eyes at me a number of times
when I've pulled out the camera yet again.
But I want to thank Brian for 
his patience, 
his ideas, 
his encouragement 
and for often being my "artistic director" when I was lacking inspiration.
Thank you hun!! I love you!

I also want to thank my gorgeous daughter Sarah - she's two-and a half
and will be none-the-wiser to what I have just put her through.
But she she has regularly (and sometimes not so regularly)
been a willing model.

I also have to thank the wonderful Belinda who has been  my
 "photography mother".
Thank you Belinda - you have been a true inspiration.
Your photography skills are simply amazing - you are a stunning photographer -
and how you have kept up with this challenge
considering the full on year you have had just amazes me.

And a big thank you must go to those of you who have checked in on my blog.
Thank you for your Facebook "likes" and your thoughts.
You wouldn't believe how those simple clicks of the mouse and
taps of the keyboard have encouraged me.

What excites me a lot is that I now have a full record of our year
 - a photographic diary of the year 2012.
I'm going to put these images into a photo book so I have a constant reminder 
of our year and what I achieved.

Here is my final post for 2012.

A family portrait to mark the end of the year

Bouncy bouncy - again and again

On board the Ted Ashby
See more pics here

The grand finale
- the tram at Motat
See more pics here

Spur of the moment.
(Spur of the moment drinks with friends,
turned into spur of the moment dinner
and I got this photo - spur of the moment.)

Catching up with aunty Becs

 "Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, choo-choo"

Showing Grandad the trampoline that Santa brought a day early

Cooling off

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